Tuesday, July 31, 2012




       I’m not a regular blogger as u can see but in my efforts to find out more useful  info on CDAC courses except that what is given on official site ( www.cdac.in   and   acts.cdac.in ) that went in vain has encouraged me to write this one.  Also many of my friends asking me about the course info, fees , centres, duration and worth of doing the course have left me bored by their repeated questionnaire.

         I still haven’t yet started with the course. My batch is starting from 22nd August 2012 but I am in some position to atleast share with you the details of the admission process. Let me start by my introduction. I am Gaurav Kelwadkar from Wardha ( near Nagpur). I just passed my B.E 8th semester examination in June 2012 ( Graduated but yet degree not available in the college) with 63 % ( phewww…..80% of u people must have got more than me and yes don’t ask me my college!!!). hahaha !!!

        After passing my final B.E exam in Electronics and Telecommunication  I knew I dint have any skills and know-how to get into a software company so I wanted to do CDAC it’s the best software course in present scenario. Many of u who r still reading may already know its worth so I’m not going to stretch it too long.

Admission Process : 

             CDAC offers many different courses but the best are Post Graduate diploma courses. I will be doing the PG-DAC courses from CDAC, Pune. There are around 50 centres in about 12 cities which includes CDAC’c own training centres ( 1 in each city) and many authorized training centres. The courses are offered in Advanced computing (DAC), VLSI ( DVLSI), Embedded systems (DESD), Software technology( DST) , SCADA ( DASS), Wireless and mobile computing ( DWiMC), IT security (DITISS), Integrated Embedded + VLSI ( DIVESD), system software development (DSSD), Healthcare informatics and Geoinformatics etc.

             The admission process has changed a lot from last 2 years. Earlier they used to have a 3 stage admission process. In the first step they used have a national level CET and then a GD and PI round. Now, you don’t have to go through that. Its just the CET ( called C-CAT) now that will give you the admission. First you have to register for the C-CAT test online. For this just register yourself on the CDAC site. The CET is held twice a year. I has 2 batches  August batch and January-Feb batch. The test is held about 2 months ago before the start of the batch course. Once u register on the site you’ll be able to fill the online form for the C-CAT. Rs.500/- basic fee + 100 Rs. for every course u apply ( you can do only one course). I applied for  10 courses( so  500+ 100*10=1500 Rs.) coz I was not sure about my performance in the test and I wanted to make sure I get a seat !! 

              Next step is the CET (C-CAT)!! The paper has three sections of 50 questions each. Section A has Aptitude and English, Section B is all about C and C++ , Networking, and Section C is Digital Electronics and Microprocessors. Negative marking is there -1 for each wrong answer and +3 for right answer. No need to prepare for Section A. If u r good in English its very easy to nail it. Read Let us C, Computer networking by Tanenbaum and first 3-4 chapters of C++ by Balaguruswamy for Section B. Also read the Computer fundamentals book by Pradip and Preeti Sinha. I didn’t  have to prepare for Section C as I belong to ECE branch. Read Morris Mano or RP Jain for digital electronics and 8085 microprocessor by R.Gaonkar. Its enough !!!

           The test was held on 17th June and 1 July and the result was declared on  13th July. The result is shown as
Section A rank :                       88
Section A+B  rank :                 243
Section A+B+C rank :             76
The above ranks are my ranks. Based on your rank you will have to give the choices for the course you want to apply for and the training centre where u want to do it. DAC,DESD,DVLSI are the best courses. 

Training centers :

  1.   CDAC ACTS, Pune :
Here you will get best company with more package but more competition as all Pune centers have common placements so u need to  compete with 500 students. If you have top 500 rank u will get it. 
2. CDAC ACTS Bangalore :
              Second best to Pune ACTS . Good for DESD,DVLSI courses. Top 1500 rank can get u there.
       3. Third choice will be CDAC,Hyderabad.  
       4. Sunbeam Pune and Sunbeam Karad :
                           These are good but management is strict. You’ll have to work real hard
    5.    MET, Mumbai or CDAC Noida 
    6.    Prepare again and write CET again ( other CDAC institutes are just waste for money)

The course fees is 79,000 Rs. and duration is 6 months with 12-15 hours a day including Sundays. So, work hard and best of luck !!! More to come about the experiences at CDAC and more info....